ISO Tutorial

ISO Tutorial

This tutorial will allow you to run ISOs on your PSP.

1. If you already have custom firmware go to step 12
2. Make a folder and name it "PROUPDATE" and place it in PSP/GAME/PROUPDATE
3. Download first file here -HERE-
4. Take the EBOOT from the download link above and put it into the "PROUPDATE" folder in your PSP
5. Make a folder and name it "FASTRECOVERY" and place it in PSP/GAME/FASTRECOVERY
6. Download second file here -HERE-
7.Take the EBOOT from the second download link above and put it into the "FASTRECOVERY" folder in your PSP
8. Run your PSP and go to GAME
10. It should run then go back to the XMB
11. Now you have custom firmware for 6.60
12. Make a folder on your PSP called "ISO"
13. Take the ZIPPED ISO and put it into the ISO folder
14. The next time you turn on your PSP, there should be a new game/games in the GAME folder and you should be able to play them